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在制药行业, 大约90%的碳排放是在制造阶段产生的. The biggest positive impact on carbon emissions the secure cold chain can have is therefore to ensure that every single dose that is manufactured reaches the patient securely and on time.




In 2019 可以赌足球的app pledged to become carbon neutral, and in 2020 we reached that goal. 我们一直在关注运营的各个方面, 从容器的制造到我们使用的材料, 我们如何为世界各地的设施供暖, and we will continue to do so as new scientific breakthroughs unfold and new findings become available.

However, 不管我们在减少排放方面有多成功, 作为一家公司,我们可以对气候产生最大的积极影响, is to ensure that every dose that is manufactured reaches the patient securely and on time.

The study of life-cycle emissions for pharmaceutical drugs has only been started relatively recently and while there is still much more work to be done, 很明显,药品的生产是能源和材料密集型的.

在2018年的一项研究中(i), several companies were asked to estimate how much of their total carbon emissions that stemmed from transportation: GlaxoSmithKline is referred to estimate that transportation cause about 3% of the company’s total carbon emissions, whereas Sanofi is claimed to assess upstream and downstream transportation to cause nearly 7% of total greenhouse gas emissions. 辉瑞公司被指已经评估了药物Lyrica的生命周期, 结论是90%的环境影响与制造业有关, 5%到配方, 5%用于包装, 分配和报废管理的比例不到1%.

In other words – any savings in cost or greenhouse gas emissions your choice of transportation leads to, 本质上是无关紧要的,除非你能确保0%的全球十大赌钱软件app损失.

但即使是这样, there is still a clear case for carefully evaluating different transportation solutions.


冷链物流存在许多技术替代方案. A study that compares life cycle emissions of single-use (with polyurethane or polystyrene isolation) and reusable thermally controlled containers shows the latter to be environmentally superior(ii). The greenhouse gas emissions associated with the reusable container are more than 75% lower than for the single-use container, 尽管回程途中多了一段路. 其他参数, 可重复使用的选项可减少60%的酸化潜力, 富营养化潜势降低65%, 光化学臭氧电位降低85%, 人体毒性降低85%, 减少95%的消费后浪费. Most of these differences relate to the much higher cradle to gate-emissions for the single-use approach. 对于可重用方法, 全球十大赌钱软件app使用阶段占总排放量的大部分, 在那个阶段, 排放几乎全部来自交通运输.

那么,为什么没有更多的公司依赖可重复使用的选项呢, 如果它们对环境这么好?

The main reason pharmaceutical companies use active temperature-controlled containers is that they want to maximize the safety of their shipment. An active temperature-controlled container has an active electric cooling and heating system, meaning it can continually keep the temperature inside the container constant despite varying ambient temperatures. 除了, 有数据记录, 集装箱的组装不需要时间, 零全球十大赌钱软件app损失的记录,当然还有, 无一次性材料.

与被动解决方案相比, which are essentially just insulated boxes without any form of active temperature control, it is easy to understand why active temperature-controlled containers are thought to be a more premium, 这是一个更昂贵的选择. And if you just compare the costs of leasing the active containers compared to the price of a passive container or even a cardboard box, active temperature-controlled containers do cost more than their passive counterparts.

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But that is like thinking that the cost of the box is the same as the cost of shipping. 当你计算总着陆成本时, 很明显,在大多数情况下, what you save on a cheaper packaging solution is unfortunately more than offset by higher costs for air freight and auxiliary costs, 更不用说全球十大赌钱软件app损失的风险了.


被动运输解决方案被认为更便宜的原因, stems from the fact that the various costs associated with shipping pharmaceuticals are allocated to different departments in the company, 从而模糊了总到岸成本. 总着陆成本是多少?


总到岸成本是简单的 the cost of packaging + 空运费用 + auxiliary costs + the probability of the cost of product loss.


Most companies have accepted that they need to adopt more sustainable ways of doing business in order to preserve the planet. The issue many companies face is that a sustainable business model is often more costly than simply continuing to run operations the way they always have.

Secure cold-chain logistics however is a rare case where choosing what is best for the planet also happens to be what is best for the bottom line. 当你权衡所有的因素——包装成本, 空运费用, auxiliary costs and the probability of product loss – choosing active temperature-controlled containers is better both for the planet and the bottom line. 你只需要计算一下.

(i)Veleva等人. (2018) Benchmarking Green Chemistry Adoption by the Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. ACS可持续化学 & 工程6,2−14.
(ii)(Goellner & 麻雀(2014).



在各个医学领域的突破性研究, 比如基因编辑, 干细胞技术和再生医学, 导致了对温控运输的需求增加. 高端, 专业药品通常产量低,没有备用库存,因此, delivering these sensitive products safely across the globe has become a mounting logistical challenge. Selecting a secure and reliable logistics solution has accordingly become all the more important.


随着越来越多的敏感药物, how can procurement keep transport costs under control while still adhering to necessary quality requirements?


简单点说, procurement is about getting the right products and the right services at the right price. 提供复杂的全球十大赌钱软件app和服务, however, 采购过程不仅仅是预先购买. 集成, multifaceted systems and services need a strategic approach that is focused on efficiency rather than costs. 温控药品运输——及其众多利益相关者, highly regulated environment and precious products – is precisely such an area that pinpoints the strategic importance of the procurement function. And with the recent development on the market, to procure logistics is not getting any easier.


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